What is Life Coaching and how can it help?
What is Life Coaching
Life Coaching is about creating the life that you really want. Coaching is a tool to help you realize the vision, goals and dreams that will lead to a more fulfilling life. Coaching is an active process focusing on enhancing self-knowledge and forwarding individual action toward achieving your goals. Learning as well as forwarding action in the coaching relationship is an effective way to facilitate the learning process so important to permanent and consistent change.
The Coaching Relationship will benefit you by:
Providing Accountability
Structure and focus through weekly contact
Provides a new perspective & feedback
Helps identify your strengths & how to utilize them.
Helping you clarify your values and goals.
Supporting you in reaching your goals.
Overcoming obstacles to change i.e., procrastination, perfectionism, & disorganization
Provides a confidential & non-judgmental place to work on life issues.
Areas of Expertise
Overcoming Underearning
Helping women overcome barriers to change
Women's empowerment issues (self care, setting limits, saying no, positive choices)
Career Coaching
Creating Balance in your life
Types of Coaching
Individual Coaching
Individuals can have coaching sessions over the phone or in person. This provides flexibility and convenience. The initial coaching session is free. ChangeWorks customizes individual action plans to meet the client's individual needs.
Spot Coaching
Single session coaching calls are helpful when your stuck and you need help getting moving again.
Group Coaching
Group coaching is available which is done over the phone through a teleconferencing service. Group coaching is exciting and fun for both the coach and the clients. It is also helpful to have feedback from group members and work with others who are actively involved in the change process.