Shattering The Glass Ceiling Within

This is a life coaching blog that will provide information that will assist women in overcoming barriers to change and other helpful information relating to women's health.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Tyranny of the "Shoulds"

I was reminded this morning about a familiar component of the glass ceiling within- The Tyranny of the Shoulds. Most people have some kind of "should list" running around in their heads on a daily basis. These shoulds are so ingrained within our heads that you may not even notice their existence.

The shoulds run our lives and our moods. The shoulds often have familiar faces and voices. They are the voices of our parents, teachers, grandparents, mentors, employers and even friends. I know there are things that we all "should do" but you should also be compassionate with yourself. Letting the a bad case of the shoulds take over your inner peace and mental health will only leave you feeling exhausted, tired and most likely you won't do anything. Examine your should list and ask yourself the following questions.

Who am I doing this for and why?
Is this a realistic task at this time in my life?
Am I being too hard on myself?

Good Luck!


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